Thursday, December 6, 2007

"Poinsettia" by Jenn Wilson

Jenn Wilson painted this abstract poinsettia today after buying the festive plant at a school fun-raiser concert to benefit travelling ukelele players.
I like the softness and the partial view of an otherwise very busy flower for artists to paint. Nice composition and overall treatment.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Beacon Hill Park - Mayor's Grove by Jenn Wilson

Jenn Wilson painted this lively rendering of the fall leaves of Beacon Hill Park. It is at once fresh and light, with good contrast and colour.

Beacon Hill Park in the Fall(-ing rain!)

Yes it was raining steadily, so I set up my paints in the bandstand next to the children's playground. Of course it was a no-school day so several crocodiles of kids came sheltering in after a few rides on the wet swings. Bless 'em, some said my painting was "nice" although I struggled with it. Anyhows, here it is - unpretentious, loose and brushy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Papov - Plein Air Painters of Victoria BC: "Big Red Crab"

Papov - Plein Air Painters of Victoria BC: "Big Red Crab"

"Big Red Crab"

My daughter Jenn and I painted this critter from an earlier 6 x 6 study I had done of a crab on the beach at Duncan, BC.

We worked with brushy strokes and medium impasto to get a painterly result.
Not too finished, not too sketchy.

Established October 17, 2007

PAPOV - Plein Air Painters of Victoria - artists who paint outdoors in Victoria BC.
Jenn Wilson and Ron Wilson are founding members.