Friday, October 14, 2011

"Pat Bay Berry Tree" oil 6 x 8

I arrived late for the morning's paint-out with the Al Frescoes. Frank looked at his watch and said that I had 45 minutes to get my work done before Show 'n Tell time at noon!
So, liking a challenge, I went ahead and dashed off this lil' 6 x 8 in 42 minutes. Does it work? COMMENTS (see below) are invited.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I guess this not strictly PLEIN AIR cos it wasn't done outside in the open air - instead it was painted indoors at Goward House yesterday in an approach we know as "alla prima" = all at once. It took about three hours painting from life. It isn't a good likeness of Alannah but I like the brushwork and the colours.