Monday, August 4, 2008

Sidney Plein Air Paint Out 2008

"Yellow Daisies"
Jenn entered the 6th Annual Plein Air Paint Out held in Sidney BC yesterday where she pulled off this wonderful 8 x 10 painting in oils watched by a succession of hundreds of strollers at the edge of the sea.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Green and Red Peppers

"Green and Red Peppers" oils 6 x 12 inches

The two of us tackled this subject - father and daughter - Jenn's style is very evident in this modern treatment of these familiar shapes. See a bigger version by clicking on the painting and press your BACK button to return to this page.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Arum Lily

"Calla, Arum Lily"

Daughter Jenn and I painted this from "life" today. The whites make for a pretty challenging gradation of values, helped here and there by a liberal application of the three primaries.