Friday, January 16, 2015

'Winter Sun Scia'new'

  oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Beautiful morning out at the ancient lands of 
Scia'new (''the place of the big fish,") today...

The Scia'new First Nations trace their ancestry 
to people who spoke four different languages. 
The community recognizes all four languages 
although they are not all currently spoken.
 The predominant language is now Hul’q’umi’num’.
Your thoughts & comments always welcomed!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This was painted last fall with Alf's up on 
Mount Tolmie. Though I have painted there
several times this view was a first for me...
'Morning Sky Haro Strait'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Comments always appreciated!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Bird light" marker on oil underpainting

Marker pen (Sharpie) 3 1/8" x 5 7/8"

How to use off cuts from truncated canvas boards! Fun. Patterns in the sky. Poles apart. I could use any of these titles but I confess to this being an ALLA PRIMA piece - there's no correcting if you just do it. Plein Air artists do it in the open whereas Alla Prima artists do it all at once.....