Saturday, March 28, 2015

'Morning at Island Cove'

'Morning at Island Cove'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Wonderful morning painting yesterday. The Fawn lilies were
 out along the trails with a few Wild Onions and Camas.
 A nuthatch was busy excavating a nesting cavity
 just a few feet away from my painting spot.
Otters and seals were feeding just below me 
along with geese, swans and diving ducks. 
Just as I was getting near the finish 
the fog rolled in, 
very thickly...
Your thoughts & comments would be appreciated!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Cattle Point Morn" oil 11x14

Plein Air painted in just over an hour at Cattle Point in Victoria, Vancouver Island.
See the selfie video (link on the right).
Click the image for a bigger view.