Friday, April 24, 2015

'Mitchell's Lookout'

Pretty wet out on the Mitchell painting grounds today. 
But I waited for a brief window between the bands of showers...
nice sunny break at the end.
 Here on the south Island, April's cloud show
has not disappointed, with daily
extravaganzas in the spring sky.
Oh to have the energy to paint and capture
everyone of them, throughout everyday.
 'Mitchell's Lookout'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts & comments are greatly valued.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

'Spring Morning Highrock'


Protect her for all your worth, she's all we've got!
 ~ ~ ~
 'Spring Morning Highrock'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
~ ~ ~ 
As always your thoughts & comments are greatly valued!