Saturday, December 12, 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

MD Sansom - Portrait done at Goward House

A sensitive portrait by MD Sansom in pastel, painted at Goward House Portrait Painters recently. Exquisite colour layered in subtle shades, capturing the model in a pensive mood.

Press the image for a bigger view

Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Crystal Cove Beach" oil 11x14

It was a dull day on the road to Tofino so at Crystal Cove Beach I added a drop of Wilson colour.

Hit the image for a bigger picture

Saturday, October 24, 2015

At The Edge Of Enchantment

I painted in this magical place yesterday
and as I worked, salmon were
making their way upstream to spawn.
By mid morning the sun began to
filter into the canyon lighting
up the moss covered trees, coloured leaves
and sparkling the stream.
It was easy to feel the spirit of
Emily Carr dancing among the
trees and along the banks 
of the stream...

'At The Edge of Enchantment'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Thoughts and comments are always appreciated.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

September Morning Light

This is another piece from that lovely
morning in early September out at
the Esquimalt Lagoon.
'September Morning Light'
oil on wood panel
6 x 8
Your thoughts and comments are much appreciated.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Landscape 2 - "Foggy from Cattle Point" MD Sansom

The painting shown here is quite small. Oil on board, sited at Cattle point looking landward on a very foggy morning. Quite a touch of mystery, leaving the viewer much to imagine.

Press the painting for a bigger picture

Evening Light - Highrock

Painted on one of those very
special early fall evenings...
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
'Evening Light - Highrock'
oil on cradled wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts and comments greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

September Sky Esquimalt Lagoon

'Some cloud chasing with this piece, 
on a beautiful early September morning.
The resting Gulls in the foreground 
seemed little concerned with my folly...'
'September Sky Esquimalt Lagoon'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Yew Tree farm - watercolour and pencil 8x10

This Blog is mostly about plein air works - indeed this is one that I painted in England a few months ago. Yew Tree Farm - our hostess told us that Prince Charles stays here occasionally. She didn't divulge any more snippets about that. Privacy and privilege of course. I wonder if Coll and I got the same room though?

Press the painting to see a larger view

Three yachts at Oak Bay Marina

This is one of my favourite MD Sansom plein air pieces - simple yet full of impact and a nice style to boot.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Saxe Point - MD Sansom

‘At Saxe Point’
A scene I have painted often. Each time the weather has been different and that day there was no sun – no directional light so it was necessary to find other means of interest. Thankfully the clouds had a distinct direction and so did the rocks and casual path in the foreground.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Self by pastel - M.D.Sansom

As a newcomer to this blog I decided to introduce self by a quick self portrait. Created in pastel for the Goward House Portrait Painters annual display, I wanted to show that it is not necessary to have a ’completed’ work; that a few lines and strong composition can convey as much as the very detailed oil painting.

Press the portrait for a bigger picture.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

'Late of a summer evening
when from off the sea
a lively breeze
moves through the trees
Swallows and Martins soaring high
in the fast fading rays
of the summer sky
and the golden glow
of these halcyon days'

-Jeffrey J Boron-
 'Of A Summer Evening'
oil on wood panel
6 x 8in.
Thoughts and comments always welcomed.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Evening Clouds & Queen Anne's Lace

Painted late evening last, 
one of those special summer evenings...
 'Evening Clouds & Queen Anne's Lace'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Your thoughts & comments are valued.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Plein air sketch - Berlin

Still with a sore back, I limped around this neighbourhood in Spandau, Berlin and settled at a table to make this quickie, using conté pencil.

Click the image for a bigger picture

Thursday, May 28, 2015

'Thetis Cove Thunder Heads'

A lovely warm spring evening painting 
and watching these grand cloud
formations form and change into
 massive towering shapes...paint quick!!
 'Thetis Cove Thunder Heads'
oil on wood panel
6 x 8in.
Your thoughts & comments are valued.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

'Highrock Sky'

This one is from a few weeks ago that
goes to show you never know what your
going to find when you head out.
This cloud formation started to form 
as I was walking about to get
my chosen spot for this
early evening paint.
Another one in this years crop of Camas.
'Highrock Sky'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Your thoughts & comments are always appreciated.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Macauley Point Path" oil 9x12

I went painting en plein air but forgot to take my tripod-easel, so I parked my paintbox on a truncated stump. Nature is wonderful.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

"Mt.Doug Beach" acrylic 9x12

I stepped onto the beach, turned and saw this sliver of light lying on the sand, it was against the light and it shimmered. Oompha kadoompha (Wilsonese speak), done!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

'Sailing in Paradise'

'From a cliff high up on the Malahat 
looking north to the Gulf Islands while painting this piece
 it is easy to see this wonderful area 
as a paradise worthy of 
our reverence and protection...'
 'Sailing in Paradise'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Your thoughts & comments are always valued!

Friday, April 24, 2015

'Mitchell's Lookout'

Pretty wet out on the Mitchell painting grounds today. 
But I waited for a brief window between the bands of showers...
nice sunny break at the end.
 Here on the south Island, April's cloud show
has not disappointed, with daily
extravaganzas in the spring sky.
Oh to have the energy to paint and capture
everyone of them, throughout everyday.
 'Mitchell's Lookout'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts & comments are greatly valued.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

'Spring Morning Highrock'


Protect her for all your worth, she's all we've got!
 ~ ~ ~
 'Spring Morning Highrock'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
~ ~ ~ 
As always your thoughts & comments are greatly valued!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

'Spring Sky Highrock'

Those wonderful April clouds are 
drifting through our spring skies along
 with the Swallows, Turkey Vultures and Warblers...
 'Spring Sky Highrock'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
All your thoughts & comments are appreciated.

Friday, April 3, 2015

"Finnerty Gardens Hole" plein air 9x12 oil

If the light is sad or bad, concentrate on a compelling composition then paint at least three distinct values.

Click image for a bigger view.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

'Morning at Island Cove'

'Morning at Island Cove'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Wonderful morning painting yesterday. The Fawn lilies were
 out along the trails with a few Wild Onions and Camas.
 A nuthatch was busy excavating a nesting cavity
 just a few feet away from my painting spot.
Otters and seals were feeding just below me 
along with geese, swans and diving ducks. 
Just as I was getting near the finish 
the fog rolled in, 
very thickly...
Your thoughts & comments would be appreciated!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Cattle Point Morn" oil 11x14

Plein Air painted in just over an hour at Cattle Point in Victoria, Vancouver Island.
See the selfie video (link on the right).
Click the image for a bigger view.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

PLEIN AIR PAINTING "Albert Head Lagoon" oil 11x14

I like plein air work because it is Alla Prima work done in the open.

Click for a bigger picture. Comment to

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

'Morning Clouds Royal Roads'

I painted this the other day out on the
Coburg Peninsula. It was a pretty cool
morning after the many milder ones we've
been enjoying lately.
'Morning Clouds Royal Roads'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Your thoughts & comments are always valued.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

'Waiting for the Swallows'

Here on the southern tip of Vancouver Island
we are experiencing one the strangest 
winters. Spring is here like it was
 late March already. However this
weather pattern is heading us toward a
severe wild fire season this year.
But for right now painting on a lovely
morning in this local marsh was
way past splendid!!
Mallards, Green-wings and Canada's were
working the shallow bog pools
like they meant it.
The sun felt good, real good...
'Waiting for the Swallows'
oil on wood panel
9 x 12
Your thoughts and comments are always welcomed.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Saanichton Bay Morning'
oil on wood panel
9 x 12
'Lovely pastel morning painting here today. 
The shallow bay was alive 
with diving ducks working the bottom. 
Very warm here on the eve of the day of LOVE...
Your comments enrich the post!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

This was painted last November just as the last
of the colour was about to be blown free 
by the fall winds.
One of the many wonderful things about 
painting plein air is how immediately you
find yourself standing in the spot you painted, 
the moment you look at your painting. 
No matter how long ago that might be...
'November Lowlands'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts & comments always enrich the post!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

"Yellow Chair" pastel

We rescued a yellow chair from the dump bin, a friend suggested we turn it into a pot stand on our deck!

A quick pastel sketch.

Press the image for a bigger view. Email and it can be yours for a ridiculous price. Try me.....

Friday, January 16, 2015

'Winter Sun Scia'new'

  oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Beautiful morning out at the ancient lands of 
Scia'new (''the place of the big fish,") today...

The Scia'new First Nations trace their ancestry 
to people who spoke four different languages. 
The community recognizes all four languages 
although they are not all currently spoken.
 The predominant language is now Hul’q’umi’num’.
Your thoughts & comments always welcomed!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This was painted last fall with Alf's up on 
Mount Tolmie. Though I have painted there
several times this view was a first for me...
'Morning Sky Haro Strait'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Comments always appreciated!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Bird light" marker on oil underpainting

Marker pen (Sharpie) 3 1/8" x 5 7/8"

How to use off cuts from truncated canvas boards! Fun. Patterns in the sky. Poles apart. I could use any of these titles but I confess to this being an ALLA PRIMA piece - there's no correcting if you just do it. Plein Air artists do it in the open whereas Alla Prima artists do it all at once.....

Saturday, January 10, 2015

"Three Fishes" 6x6 acrylic

Crop, crop, crop - everyone knows that those are three fish on a plate, we don't have to see their entire bodies nor the complete plate to know what's going on.

My thanks to Carol Marine - by studying her work and by reading her latest book I have really learnt a lot. And like a lot of artists I like to paint thick with great impasto.

If you like or want this one (it'll go in a CD mailer, no problem) drop me a note at for a special Blogger price, shhhh.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"Cockerel" oil 4.5 x 4.5 inches

Lately I have been fascinated by theses birds - cocky rosters and cheeky hens, all painted as miniatures and displayed on tiny wooden easels from the Dollar Store - they make interesting gifts at Christmas time or on family birthdays, anyhow they always fetch a smile....the naughty ones especially!

Press the image for a bigger view