Sunday, November 13, 2016

Partial Pencil study

I love pencil 'cos it's so honest and non-boastful. Even a little hint like this one can be so rewarding. I just love art.

Press the image for a bigger view.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

November Snow-Swan Lake

A bit of an overcast morning in the Swan Lake sanctuary today
 had me thinking snow...
'November Snow-Swan Lake'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10

Your thoughts and comments are always encouraged...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Moonlit Birds" charcoal 5x7

I actually saw this then sketched it in charcoal. No, I don't think it's sinister or anything, I just see it as an extension of an artist's experience - if you're (say) a portrait painter in oils it is educational to use a different medium, what you learn does visit back to your home genre - portraits in oils for example.

Press the image for a bigger view

Thursday, August 4, 2016

This was from an ALF's paint out a couple of weeks ago. 
I set up thinking I would be done before 
the wind really got up...note to self, 
you know nothing about when and 
how hard the wind will blow... 
 'Summer Morning-Albert Head'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts and comments are always welcomed.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Almost Summer

Here on the south Island, as the last few days of spring slip by
our skies have been filled with those wonderful clouds that
seem to mesmerize and delight a painter such as I...
 'Almost Summer'
oil on wood panel
6 x 8in.
 Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

"Tree at Michell's farm" w/c crayon 4x6

I am using the new watercolour crayons - you apply them dry on your Arches paper then use a wet brush to get that w/c effect. It's quick and easy, so much easier than the traditional approach to watercolour. You should try it....

Press the panting for a bigger view

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Blue Bridge Poppies" oil 8x10

Painted at the Opus Outdoor Challenge May 15th, 2016. I am reasonably happy with the technique but in an open competition I should remember to give it more oomph....

Saturday, April 30, 2016

'The Cove Below'

Painted a couple of weeks ago at our beloved
Saxe Point Park
on a very warm spring morning.
'The Cove Below'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Your thoughts a comments are always sought...

Sunday, April 24, 2016

'Churchyard Morning'

From a spring paint-out with the ALFS
in sunny Metchosin.
I had wanted to paint here for many years...
'Churchyard Morning'
oil on wood panel
11 x 14
Your thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Evening Blues Highrock

Chasing clouds one evening a couple of
weeks ago...
'Evening Blues Highrock'
oil on wood panel
6 x 8
Your thoughts and comments are welcomed.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jack discovers Canada - charcoal pencil sketch

Jack the French Bulldog has come to live in Canada, bringing his devoted and loyal slaves Mike and Bev with him. So far he's quite impressed and takes time on his daily walks to greet and meet his new neighbours.
Press the image for as bigger view

Monday, February 29, 2016

Saxe Point Morning

An early start Friday allowed for some 
hopeful colour and subtle greys
out with the ALF's at Saxe Point. 
The next weather system off the Pacific 
is arriving this afternoon.


'Saxe Point Morning'
oil on wood panel
8 x 10
Your thoughts are appreciated.